In an industrial, economic and social world undergoing profound change, we are convinced that only companies that cultivate the values of respect and integrity of living beings will be strong enough to face the challenges that arise and to develop sustainably.

For several decades, Groupe ADF has been committed to a proactive approach to risk management and continual improvement related to the health and safety of all our employees and stakeholders. More than ever, the Group is strengthening this commitment through its “One Life” HSE programme and concrete CSR actions.

Anticipating health and safety issues




Our One Life programme is embodied in the operational management through 5 pillars that guide our actions:

  • learn from our accidents and successes
  • prevent dangerous situations and accidents
  • commit ourselves collectively
  • train, support, welcome
  • value positive behaviour

HSE risk prevention, monitoring and continual improvement are driven by a network deployed at all levels of the company. The entire HSE chain supports the operational teams of all our business sectors, so that each employee is personally involved in the promotion of this culture on a daily basis.

Our Corporate Social Responsability View
In an industrial, economic and social world undergoing major changes, we are convinced that only companies that nurture the values of respect and intergrity of all living things will be strong enough to face the challenges ahead and develop sustainably. Our code of conduct reflects this.



  1. Conducting our business in an ethical and responsible manner
  2. Participate in the development of the areas in which we operate
  3. Building relationships of mutual trust with our service providers
  4. Making our purchases more responsible in order to reduce our environmental impact
  5. Integrate social issues, such as a disability policy, in the selection of our partners
  6. Reducing our environmental footprint, including addressing climate change through our businesses
  7. Contribute to our customers’ ecological transition, through innovation and industrial partnerships
  8. Promoting Health, Safety and Well-being of our employees at work
  9. Developing and nurturing talent
  10. Promoting professional equality, encouraging diversity and combating any form of discrimination and harassment
Understanding the impacts of our activities



Groupe ADF has been committed for several years to the deployment of CSR practices, which are now anchored at the root of all our initiatives, new projects and investments. Our Gold Medal, awarded by Ecovadis in 2019, reflects this commitment.


Aware that this culture is part of a continual improvement process, we are increasing actions that contribute to creating value in a sustainable and responsible manner.


Groupe ADF is thus committed to offering its customers smart and sustainable industrial solutions while reducing its social impact, adapting its practices accordingly to make them more responsible. The areas of progress identified include:


  • an economic component: business ethics, responsible purchasing, monitoring
  • a social component: skills development, health and safety, social relations
  • an environmental component: reduction of our carbon footprint and of our production of non-recyclable waste, innovative and sustainable solutions
  • a societal component: sustainable development of the regions in which we operate, integration and diversity
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TFI Indicateur Information Santé GROUPE ADF
TFI Indicateur Information Santé GROUPE ADF